Superannuation Advice

Which Superannuation is Best For Me?

Choosing the right superannuation fund is crucial for securing your future. At Northern Rivers Financial Planning, we offer access to a vast range of superannuation funds, with over 500 options across Australia. Our tailored advice ensures that your super fits your unique needs and lifestyle. Our advisors will meet with you for regular reviews, providing annual consultations to ensure your super is working for you. As your life and circumstances change, we’re here to help you navigate these transitions smoothly.

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Industry Super

What is Industry Super You May Be Asking?

Industry Super funds are often the default super funds tied to certain industries, from the building trade to healthcare and administration. Since July 2005, Australian employees have had the ability to choose where their employer contributions go, offering more flexibility than ever before.

Despite this flexibility, over 70% of workers still stick with their employer’s default fund. At Northern Rivers Financial Planning, we conduct comprehensive reviews of your current super fund, determining if it already aligns with your needs. If it does, we’ll recommend that you stay the course. Having an expert evaluate your super is important, as your fund’s performance directly impacts your retirement future.


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Personal Super

Personal Superannuation Funds are set up by individuals and move with them from job to job. These funds often offer more flexibility, allowing access to direct shares and a wider range of insurance providers.

You can even enhance your super by making voluntary contributions, either to your own fund or your spouse’s fund. This can be particularly beneficial if your partner has taken time off work to care for family, allowing you to boost their super for when they return to the workforce.

At Northern Rivers Financial Planning, we thoroughly assess your personal superannuation and identify any adjustments necessary. If you’re considering early retirement, it's essential to get your super working as efficiently as possible.

Personal contributions are non-concessional (after-tax) contributions and will count towards your non-concessional contributions cap unless you have claimed a tax deduction for them.

At Coast Financial Planning here in Ballina and Lennox head we will undertake a complete review of your current Superannuation funds and reveal to you any changes that are necessary, particularly if you are thinking of retiring earlier than the age of 67 it is a good idea to get your funds working for you the best way you can.

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Employer Super

Employer Super is the default superannuation offered by small to medium businesses. As an employer, you’re required to pay the superannuation guarantee (SG) for any employee earning over $450 per month, with the current SG rate at 12%.

At Northern Rivers Financial Planning, we ensure your employer super contributions are up to date and suited to your future goals. We’ll review your fund regularly to ensure it remains the right fit for both your current needs and your long-term financial security.


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What Our Clients Say

"Can't thank Trish and her team enough for the amazing advice and support they gave me when I was going through a very difficult time this year. Trish certainly is very knowledgeable and her communication and efficiency were very much appreciated. I highly recommend their services. They are to be congratulated on providing amazing service and support. Truly a wonderful team."

"Tricia has always been very open and honest regarding all our insurance needs – she has helped us to find the best packages for our business and personal needs and always tailor made anything to suit our circumstances.She also ensures she has all information necessary to ensure we are comfortable and understand exactly what we have signed up for. When we needed to make a claim Tricia organized everything for us and the experience was easy and fast – which was much appreciated. It can be pretty mind boggling but nothing is too much for Tricia and she explains everything thoroughly, all in all we recommend Tricia for her experience, honesty and integrity."

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