Are you exploring aged care options and feeling concerned about your finances?
We help you with the transition to Aged Care for yourself or your parents, by giving you quality aged care financial advice to secure them a better future.
If we are not able to place you in a better financial position, you won't be charged for our service.
Your first meeting will be free of charge, to ensure you feel we are the right fit for you.
Everything will be done to ensure you are able to secure the best quality of care for your parents.
Always speaking to you in plain English – no complicated jargon or confusing industry lingo.
What upfront costs will I need to pay towards Age Care?
Our Gold Coast financial advisor can help you determine how to pay for your accommodation. This may involve a lump sum payment, regular instalments or both.
How much will I pay for ongoing care?
There are strategies available to minimise the fees you pay. The decision to maintain ownership of your home or to sell can be an important factor, along with your investment decisions. A poorly executed plan on the other hand, can result in a lower Age Pension and higher age care costs.
Should I keep my home or is it better for me to sell it?
There are many considerations to be made in the choosing what to do with your family home. Should you choose to keep your home, strategies will be discussed in paying the agreed accommodation costs, and what will become of your home for social security and aged care purposes. Should you ultimately sell, the best opportunities will be identified in investing proceeds from the sale, along with recommendations for striking a balance between generating an income, maximising Age Pension and minimising aged care fees.
How can I afford to pay for ongoing care?
Through assessment of your investment options and other financial circumstances, we will help you maximise your income as much as possible.